Could someone please tell me if the purpose and policy are correct and if they have any suggestions for other procedures.. i need a minimum of 7.

Purpose of Policy: The purpose is to set standards and guidelines for the Town of Springbank Hills Recreation and Parks Department to seek corporate sector sponsorship agreements for recreation programs.

Policy: This policy is designed to outline how the Town of Springbank
Hills Recreation and Parks Department will receive corporate sector sponsors for various recreation programs, community-wide events and facilities. It will outline the process staff should take to approach sponsors as well as potential sponsor’s criteria and their approval process.


1. All proposals for sponsorships must be submitted in writing to the Town of Springbank Hills Program Director. The sponsorship funding forms can be downloaded from the Town of Springbank Hills website at ....
- The Program Director will review the proposal, seek advice from the Parks and Recreation staff, if appropriate and make a decision on the proposal.
2. Corporate sponsorships must support the mission, vision, value and philosophy of the Town of Springbank Hills.

Based on the information provided, the purpose and policy seem to be appropriate for the Town of Springbank Hills Recreation and Parks Department to seek corporate sector sponsorship agreements for recreation programs. However, it is always a good practice to review and revise policies periodically to ensure they are up to date and effective. As for additional procedures, here are some suggestions that you can consider:

3. Criteria for Sponsorship: Clearly define the criteria that corporate sponsors must meet in order to be considered for sponsorship. This can include factors such as the sponsor's commitment to community involvement, alignment with the department's values, financial stability, and reputation.

4. Sponsorship Proposal Evaluation: Establish a formal evaluation process to objectively assess the suitability of each sponsorship proposal. This can include a scoring system or specific evaluation criteria to ensure consistent and fair assessment.

5. Sponsor Benefits and Recognition: Outline the benefits and recognition that corporate sponsors will receive in exchange for their support. This can include logo placement, mentions in promotional materials, naming rights, or other forms of acknowledgment. Make sure to specify the level of sponsorship required for each benefit.

6. Sponsorship Agreement and Contract: Develop a standardized sponsorship agreement or contract that clearly outlines the terms and conditions of the sponsorship, including the obligations of both parties, duration, financial commitments, and any legal considerations. This will help protect the interests of both the department and the sponsor.

7. Sponsorship Renewal and Evaluation: Establish a process for reviewing and renewing sponsorship agreements. This can include setting timeframes for evaluation, assessing the impact of sponsorships on programs and events, and determining whether to renew or seek new sponsors.

8. Conflict of Interest Guidelines: Implement guidelines to prevent potential conflicts of interest or unethical practices in the sponsorship process. This can include disclosure requirements for staff members involved in the selection and negotiation of sponsorships.

Remember, these are just suggestions, and it is essential to tailor these procedures to the specific needs and requirements of the Town of Springbank Hills Recreation and Parks Department.