A high-speed elevator can rise 480 feet in 30 seconds. Which expression represents the rate, in feet per minute, of the elevator

how do i get the answer

480ft/30s * 60s/min = 960 ft/min

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To find the rate of the elevator in feet per minute, we need to convert the time from seconds to minutes. Since 1 minute is equal to 60 seconds, we can use the ratio 1 minute/60 seconds.

To find the rate, we divide the distance traveled by the time it took. In this case, the distance is 480 feet and the time is 30 seconds.

Step-by-step calculation:

1. Convert 30 seconds to minutes:
30 seconds * (1 minute / 60 seconds) = 0.5 minutes

2. Divide the distance traveled by the time taken to get the rate:
480 feet / 0.5 minutes = 960 feet per minute

The expression that represents the rate, in feet per minute, of the elevator is 960 ft/min.

whats the answer


What expression? What is your answer?