Sam serves a tennis ball at a speed of 90 miles per hour. If 0.62 mile is equivalent to 1 kilometer, what is Sam's serve speed in kilometers per hour? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.

What the answer

90 miles times 1/.62 miles will give you the number of kilometers.

so.. you are dividing .62 into 90

This will also be your miles per hour because the question is per hour to begin with.

My answer is 145. Is that the correct answer?

145.16 rounded to the nearest hundredth.


Thank you so much.

So what would the answer be?


To determine Sam's serve speed in kilometers per hour, we need to convert the speed from miles per hour to kilometers per hour.

First, we need to convert the miles to kilometers using the conversion factor provided: 0.62 mile = 1 kilometer.

We can set up a proportion to solve this conversion:

0.62 miles / 1 kilometer = 90 miles / x kilometers

Cross-multiplying, we get:

0.62 * x = 90

Dividing both sides by 0.62, we get:

x = 90 / 0.62

Calculating, we find that x is approximately 145.16 kilometers.

Therefore, Sam's serve speed is approximately 145.16 kilometers per hour. Rounded to the nearest hundredth, it is 145.16 kilometers per hour.