what data are represented by the stem-and-leaf plot below.

3/7 8 9
4/1 3 7
5/2 4
Key:4/ 1 Means 41

I will do the first row

37 38 39

Can you do the rest?

To determine the data represented by the stem-and-leaf plot, we need to interpret the values in the plot. In a stem-and-leaf plot, the stems usually represent the tens digit(s) of the numbers, while the leaves represent the ones digit(s) of the numbers.

Looking at the provided stem-and-leaf plot:

3/7 8 9
4/1 3 7
5/2 4

We can see that the first digit before the slash (/) represents the tens digit, and the digit(s) after the slash represent the ones digit.

Using this information, we can interpret the plot as follows:

- The stem "3/" with leaf "7" represents the number 37.
- The stem "3/" with leaf "8" represents the number 38.
- The stem "3/" with leaf "9" represents the number 39.
- The stem "4/" with leaf "1" represents the number 41.
- The stem "4/" with leaf "3" represents the number 43.
- The stem "4/" with leaf "7" represents the number 47.
- The stem "5/" with leaf "2" represents the number 52.
- The stem "5/" with leaf "4" represents the number 54.

Therefore, the data represented by the stem-and-leaf plot are the following numbers: 37, 38, 39, 41, 43, 47, 52, 54.