What does Annie's dialogue in the passage reveal about her character?

a.she is proud and indifferent

b.she is sarcastic and cynical

c.she is timid and nervous

d.she is confident and persistent

from the miracle worker by William Gibson act 3
please help


To answer this question, we need to analyze Annie's dialogue in the passage. Unfortunately, without the specific passage or dialogue provided, I am unable to directly assess and make a determination about Annie's character. However, I can guide you on how to analyze and identify character traits based on dialogue.

When analyzing a character's dialogue, pay attention to the tone, choice of words, and overall attitude expressed. Look for repeated patterns of behavior or speech, as well as any changes or developments throughout the passage.

Additionally, consider the context of the passage and the surrounding events. How does Annie's dialogue relate to her interactions with the other characters and her overall role in the story? This context can provide further insights into her character.

Once you have closely examined Annie's dialogue within the given passage, you should be able to identify any patterns or traits that are consistently conveyed. This will help you choose the most appropriate answer option regarding Annie's character in the question provided.

Apologies for not being able to directly answer the question without the specific passage, but I hope these guidelines assist you in analyzing and understanding Annie's character in the play "The Miracle Worker" by William Gibson.