3.)A slave's life was full of hardships and difficulties. Workdays were long and exhausting, full of backbreaking labor, and slaves would work 10 to 16 hours a day. Masters could hire out their slaves to work for other masters; however, the slaves were not compensated for this work. Despite these hardships, masters provided nourishing food for their slaves, because they needed them to be strong.

Choose the sentence that corrects a historical inaccuracy in the passage.

A.)Masters would give an allowance to slaves if they worked well when hire

B.)Masters would sell slaves, but they were not permitted to loan them out to other masters.

C.)Slaves often did not have enough food to eat, which left them in poor HEALTH.***

D.)Slaves were expected to work for as long as the sun was shining.


no its A i just took the test and got it correct

Yes, C) Slaves often did not have enough food to eat, which left them in poor health, corrects a historical inaccuracy in the passage.

Yes, the correct sentence that corrects a historical inaccuracy in the passage is C.) Slaves often did not have enough food to eat, which left them in poor HEALTH.

This correction is accurate because it clarifies that slaves did not always receive nourishing food from their masters, which goes against the statement in the original passage that masters provided nourishing food for their slaves. It highlights the fact that slaves often faced inadequate nutrition and, as a result, suffered from poor health.

Yes, C.