Which statement best describes the plot of “The Giant’s House” by Elizabeth McCracken?

A. A boy and a librarian fall in love while searching for answers to the boy’s struggle of suffering from gigantism.
B. A librarian and a boy suffering from gigantism seek to find the books he needs to help him with his condition.
C. A librarian tries to find a way to explain to a boy suffering from gigantism that there are no books in the library for his condition.
D. A boy suffering from gigantism tries to court a mild-mannered librarian by asking her to help him find books.


I haven't read this, but allegedly you have. If the boy and the librarian fall "in love", then A is probably the best answer.

Thank you so much :D

Yes, the statement that best describes the plot of "The Giant's House" by Elizabeth McCracken is A. A boy and a librarian fall in love while searching for answers to the boy's struggle of suffering from gigantism.

To determine the correct answer, we should analyze the plot of "The Giant's House" by Elizabeth McCracken.

In "The Giant's House," the main characters are a librarian named Peggy Cort and a boy named James Sweatt. James is not suffering from gigantism; instead, he has a condition called acromegaly, which causes him to grow extremely tall.

Throughout the novel, Peggy and James develop a close bond as Peggy becomes fascinated by James's condition, and they spend much of their time together. They share a love for literature, and Peggy helps James find books to feed his passion for reading.

Based on this analysis, the statement that best describes the plot of "The Giant's House" is option A: A boy and a librarian fall in love while searching for answers to the boy's struggle of suffering from gigantism.

To arrive at this answer, it is essential to read the book or study plot summaries and reviews to understand the main narrative. Reading reviews, descriptions, or summaries of the book can help clarify the main plot points and themes.