On heating 25g of a saturated solution to dryness at 60oc, 4g of anhydrous salt was recovered. Calculate its solubility in grams per 100g of solvent


To calculate the solubility of the salt in grams per 100g of solvent, we need to determine the amount of salt that can dissolve in 100g of solvent.

First, let's calculate the amount of water that evaporated during heating.

Mass of saturated solution = 25g
Mass of anhydrous salt recovered = 4g

The mass of water evaporated = Mass of saturated solution - Mass of anhydrous salt
= 25g - 4g
= 21g

Now, we need to determine the amount of salt that was originally dissolved in this 21g of water.

Mass of anhydrous salt recovered = 4g

So, the mass of salt dissolved in 21g of water = 4g

Finally, we can calculate the solubility of the salt in grams per 100g of solvent.

Solubility (in grams per 100g of solvent) = (Mass of salt dissolved / Mass of solvent) * 100

Mass of salt dissolved = 4g
Mass of solvent (water) = 21g

Solubility = (4g / 21g) * 100
= 19.05 g/100g

Therefore, the solubility of the salt is approximately 19.05 grams per 100g of solvent.

You had 25 g solution and obtained 4g anhydrous salt; therefore, you must have had 21 g H2O. So the saturated solution was 4g/21g solvent. Convert to g/100 mL.

4g salt x (100/21) = ?