At your present job, your annual salary is $76 025 Cdn. The salary for your new job is $75 000 US.?

Does your new job provide an increase or decrease in salary? Explain your reasoning.

depends on the rate of exchange.

The current rate is $1 CND = $.80 US
so $76025 CND = $60820 US

So which is the better offer ?

So, I have to find the amount of money in Canadian dollars for $75 000?

To determine whether the new job provides an increase or decrease in salary, we need to convert the salaries to a common currency for comparison.

First, we need to convert the annual salary from Canadian dollars (Cdn) to US dollars (USD). To do this, we will need to know the current exchange rate between the two currencies.

Let's assume that the current exchange rate is 1 CAD = 0.80 USD.

To convert the annual salary from Canadian dollars (Cdn) to US dollars (USD), we multiply the Canadian salary by the exchange rate:

$76,025 Cdn * 0.80 USD/CAD = $60,820 USD (approx.)

Now, we can compare the converted Canadian salary ($60,820 USD) with the new salary of $75,000 US.

Comparing these values, we can see that the new job offers a higher salary of $75,000 USD, while the previous job paid $60,820 USD when converted. Therefore, the new job provides an increase in salary.

Note: Please keep in mind that exchange rates may vary and this explanation assumes a specific exchange rate for illustrative purposes. It is always a good idea to use the most accurate and up-to-date exchange rates when making currency conversions.