What does Annie's dialogue in the passage reveal about her character?

a.she is proud and indifferent

b.she is sarcastic and cynical

c.she is timid and nervous

d.she is confident and persistent

from the miracle worker by William Gibson act 3
please help

Which passage?

from the miracle worker by William Gibson act 3

In order to answer this question, I would need the specific passage or dialogue from "The Miracle Worker" by William Gibson. Without the passage, it is difficult to determine the exact characteristics that Annie's dialogue reveals about her character. If you could provide the dialogue or describe the scene in more detail, I can assist you in analyzing Annie's character traits.

To determine what Annie's dialogue reveals about her character, we need to analyze her speech in the passage from Act 3 of "The Miracle Worker" by William Gibson. By examining her words, tone, and behavior, we can gain insights into her personality. Unfortunately, without the specific passage or dialogue from Annie, it is challenging to provide a direct answer.

However, I can guide you on how to approach this question. To analyze a character's dialogue, consider the following steps:

1. Read the passage: Carefully read the dialogue between Annie and other characters in Act 3 of "The Miracle Worker". Focus on Annie's words, emotions, and actions.

2. Look for recurring traits: Pay attention to any patterns or recurring characteristics that are consistently displayed by Annie throughout the play. Consider whether she consistently portrays traits such as pride, indifference, sarcasm, cynicism, timidity, nervousness, confidence, or persistence.

3. Consider contextual clues: Analyze the context surrounding Annie's dialogue. Is she responding to a specific situation or character? Is Annie's speech influenced by her surroundings or emotions? Consider how these factors may shape her character.

4. Use supporting evidence: Look for specific lines or actions in the passage that provide evidence for a particular trait or characteristic associated with Annie's personality.

5. Draw conclusions: Based on your analysis, make a conclusion about Annie's character. Select the option (a, b, c, or d) that best matches your interpretation.

By following these steps and conducting a close reading of the passage, you can arrive at an accurate assessment of what Annie's dialogue reveals about her character.