On the spectrum of international ideologies, what group is most likely to oppose other nations monitoring human rights conditions in the U.S., and favor national tariffs, import quotes, and government subsidies to national businesses?

International Communitarians

International Conservatives

International Libertarians

International Liberals

my guess was the 2nd one

can i get help with this one or not?

I think you're right.

To determine the group that is most likely to oppose other nations monitoring human rights conditions in the U.S. and favor national tariffs, import quotas, and government subsidies to national businesses on the spectrum of international ideologies, we need to understand the key stances of each group.

1. International Communitarians: Communitarians emphasize the importance of community values and prioritize the welfare of society over individual freedom. While they may support some government intervention and regulation, they generally value the international community's role in monitoring human rights conditions.

2. International Conservatives: Conservatives typically emphasize maintaining traditional values and institutions, promoting free markets, and limited government intervention. They may support measures like tariffs and subsidies to protect national businesses, but they usually appreciate the importance of human rights and may not necessarily oppose other nations monitoring them.

3. International Libertarians: Libertarians value individual freedom, limited government intervention, and free markets. They are likely to strongly oppose other nations monitoring human rights conditions in the U.S. as they often view it as an infringement on individual liberties. They also tend to oppose tariffs, import quotas, and government subsidies, favoring free trade and minimal government involvement in the economy.

4. International Liberals: Liberals generally prioritize individual rights, social equality, and progressive social policies. They tend to value international human rights standards and may support monitoring efforts. However, they are less likely to favor national tariffs, import quotas, and government subsidies to businesses, as they typically lean towards free trade and market competition.

Based on these descriptions, the group most likely to oppose other nations monitoring human rights conditions in the U.S. and favor national tariffs, import quotas, and government subsidies to national businesses is International Libertarians. They advocate for limited government intervention, prioritize individual freedoms, and often reject international regulations or outside interference.