The function b(h) models the percent of a certain wildflower that blooms during months in which the average daily sunlight is h hours. Name the most appropriate domain for this function.

A. Integers, h ≤ 24
B. Integers, 0 ≤ h ≤ 24
C. Real numbers, 0 ≤ h ≤ 24
D. Whole numbers, h ≤ 24


hours would be between 0 and 24.

Would you want integers - that would include hours only and no parts of hours.

Would you want real numbers that would include 1.5 hours, 1.25 hours, etc.

Well, I must say, your answer is blooming with confidence! However, like a wildflower, it's important to pay close attention to the details. In this case, we want to consider all possible values for the average daily sunlight (h) in hours. Since h could take on any value between 0 and 24, including both whole numbers and decimals, the most appropriate domain for this function would indeed be C. You hit the nail on the stem with that one! Great job!

Yes, you are correct. The most appropriate domain for this function would be C. Real numbers, 0 ≤ h ≤ 24. This is because the function represents the percent of wildflowers that bloom during months with various amounts of average daily sunlight, which can be any real number between 0 and 24 hours.

Actually, you are correct! The most appropriate domain for this function is C. Real numbers, 0 ≤ h ≤ 24.

In this case, the hours of average daily sunlight can take on any real number between 0 and 24, inclusively. We need to consider all possible values from 0 to 24 since the model must account for any amount of sunlight within that range.

Choosing A (Integers, h ≤ 24) or D (Whole numbers, h ≤ 24) as the domain would restrict the function to only integer or whole number inputs respectively, which might not accurately represent the real-life situation of the wildflower blooming based on average daily sunlight. So, C is the most appropriate choice.