In April, the average high temperatures in Khatmandu is 24 degrees Celsius. In April, the average high temperatures in Lihueis 79 degrees. Which city tends to be warmer in April and how much warmer.

C= 5/9(F-32); C=5/9(24-32)-4.44
F=9/5 79=32



To determine which city tends to be warmer in April, we can compare the average high temperatures of both cities.

In Kathmandu, the average high temperature in April is 24 degrees Celsius.
In Lihue, the average high temperature in April is 79 degrees Fahrenheit.

To compare these temperatures accurately, we need to convert the temperature of Lihue from Fahrenheit to Celsius. We can use the formula: C = (5/9)(F - 32), where C is the temperature in Celsius and F is the temperature in Fahrenheit.

Let's apply this formula to the temperature in Lihue:
C = (5/9)(79 - 32)
C = (5/9)(47)
C ≈ 26.11 degrees Celsius

So, the average high temperature in Lihue in April is approximately 26.11 degrees Celsius.

Comparing the two cities:
Kathmandu: 24 degrees Celsius
Lihue: 26.11 degrees Celsius

Based on these average high temperatures, Lihue tends to be slightly warmer in April compared to Kathmandu by approximately 2.11 degrees Celsius.