Which of the following is true of Japan today?

None, apparently.

Please be more specific of your question.

To determine which statement is true of Japan today, we need to gather information about the current state of Japan. Here are steps to help you find the answer:

1. Conduct online research: Visit reliable sources such as news websites, government websites, and other reputable platforms that provide accurate and up-to-date information about Japan.

2. Look for recent articles or reports: Focus on sources that have published information within the past few months or any relevant information related to the present timeframe.

3. Analyze the information: Read through multiple sources to ensure accuracy and check if there are any common trends or recurring themes regarding the state of Japan.

4. Consider various aspects: Pay attention to different aspects such as the economy, politics, social factors, culture, and any recent developments or significant events that have occurred in Japan.

5. Evaluate the statements: Compare each statement to the information you have gathered. Identify if any of the statements align with the current situation in Japan based on your research.

Without listing the specific statements you are referring to, I cannot provide the accurate answer. However, by following these steps, you should be able to determine which statement is true of Japan today.