what are the two requirements for a proportional relationship ????

The two requirements for a proportional relationship are:

1. Direct Proportionality: The relationship between two quantities is proportional if they increase or decrease in the same ratio. This means that for every increase or decrease in one quantity, the other quantity also increases or decreases by the same proportion.

2. Constant of Proportionality: In a proportional relationship, there is a constant ratio, known as the constant of proportionality, which relates the two quantities. This constant remains the same and does not change as the values of the two quantities vary. It is denoted by the letter "k" or sometimes as "m".

To determine if a relationship is proportional, you need to compare the values of the two quantities and see if they have a consistent ratio. If the ratio between the two quantities remains the same throughout all values, then it satisfies the requirements for a proportional relationship.
