Ann earned $30 babysitting and $15 painting a fence.How do her earnings compare with the cost of a $70 chemistry set?

70 - (30 + 15) = ?


Yes, $25

To compare Ann's earnings with the cost of the chemistry set, we need to find the total amount of money she earned.

First, we add up the money Ann earned babysitting and painting the fence:

$30 + $15 = $45

So, Ann earned a total of $45.

Now, we can compare Ann's earnings with the cost of the chemistry set:

Ann's earnings = $45
Cost of the chemistry set = $70

To see how Ann's earnings compare to the cost of the chemistry set, we can subtract her earnings from the cost of the chemistry set:

$70 - $45 = $25

Ann's earnings, $45, are less than the cost of the chemistry set, $70, by $25.

Therefore, Ann's earnings are $25 short of the cost of the chemistry set.