suppose that sunlight falls on both a pair of reading glasses and a pair of dark glasses. Which pair of glasses would you expect to become warmer? defend your answer.

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To determine which pair of glasses would become warmer when exposed to sunlight, we need to consider their optical properties. Reading glasses are usually designed to correct vision and do not have any specialized coatings or filters. On the other hand, dark glasses, commonly known as sunglasses, are specifically designed to block and reduce the intensity of sunlight.

When sunlight passes through the lenses of reading glasses, it undergoes minimal alteration. Some light may be absorbed by the material, but the majority is transmitted through. Since reading glasses do not have any specific design to reduce or block sunlight, they do not hinder the passage of heat generated by the absorbed light. Therefore, reading glasses are not expected to become significantly warmer under sunlight exposure.

In contrast, dark glasses are typically equipped with lenses that contain special coatings, such as tinting or polarization. These coatings are designed to absorb or block a significant portion of the sunlight, reducing its intensity before it reaches the eyes. By absorbing or blocking more light, dark glasses also prevent some of the associated heat from reaching the eyes. The absorbed heat energy is dissipated or conducted away more efficiently compared to the lenses of reading glasses.

Therefore, due to their design features, dark glasses are expected to retain less heat compared to reading glasses when exposed to sunlight. This means that the pair of reading glasses would likely become warmer than dark glasses when both are exposed to the same amount of sunlight.

Remember, this explanation is based on the typical properties and design intentions of reading glasses and dark glasses. Some variations in materials or coatings may exist, so it is always recommended to examine each specific pair of glasses to completely understand their thermal behavior.