Which of these was a belief of the North that led to the civil war?

A. Tariffs should never be placed on manufactured goods
B. Society depends on the lower class to the menial jobs
c. The federal government should be centralized and powerful
D. The states should be able to determine weather or not they hold slaves.

Is the answer B?


Thank you so much.

No, the correct answer is C. The belief that the federal government should be centralized and powerful was a belief of the North that led to the Civil War. To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the historical context and the positions of the Northern states leading up to the Civil War.

During this time, the Northern states, also known as the Union, primarily wanted a strong centralized federal government. They believed that a strong federal government was necessary in order to maintain unity, preserve the Union, and address issues such as slavery. The Northern states advocated for a federal government that had the authority and power to make decisions that would bind all the states together, even if it meant overriding state laws and rights.

On the other hand, the Southern states, also known as the Confederacy, believed in states' rights. They believed that individual states had the right to determine their own laws and policies, including the decision to hold slaves. The conflict between the belief in a strong federal government versus the belief in states' rights played a significant role in causing the Civil War.

To answer similar questions in the future, it helps to understand the historical context and conflicting ideologies of the time. Analyzing primary source documents, historical writings, or arguments made by different sides can also provide insights into the beliefs that led to the Civil War.

The the final answer that I choose is D?

Yes, D.

You are welcome.