A solution contains 60g of sugar in 480g of water calculate the concentration of solution in terms of mass by mass percentage of the solution

To calculate the mass by mass percentage of a solution, you need to divide the mass of the solute (in this case, sugar) by the total mass of the solution and multiply by 100. Here's how you can calculate the concentration of the given solution:

Step 1: Calculate the total mass of the solution.
The total mass of the solution is the sum of the mass of sugar and the mass of water:
Total mass of solution = Mass of sugar + Mass of water
= 60g + 480g
= 540g

Step 2: Calculate the mass by mass percentage.
Mass by mass percentage = (Mass of sugar / Total mass of solution) * 100
= (60g / 540g) * 100
= 11.11%

Therefore, the mass by mass percentage of the solution is 11.11%.

i need the answer of this question

well, the total mass is 540g

now do the divisions to get the fractions

divide the numbers