1. In a typical rural village in Mexico, you might expect to find that most people living on farms get their food by

a. growing their own.
b. buying what they need at large supermarkets.
c. buying what they need at small supermarkets.
d. gathering nuts and wild berries.

2. Which of the following statements about Guatemala is true?
a. Most people in Guatemala are of French ancestry.
b. Most people in Guatemala are of Native American ancestry.
c. All people in Guatemala are of Spanish ancestry.
d. People in Guatemala are of Caribbean ancestry.

3. The Panama Canal allows ships to travel between the Pacific Ocean and the
a. Mediterranean Sea.
b. Atlantic Ocean.
c. Indian Ocean.
d. Gulf of Mexico.

4. The main reason Mexicans are moving from rural areas to the cities is to find
a. better farmland.
b. squatters.
c. employment.
d. night classes.

5. Mexico City's pollution problem is made worse by
a. farmland.
b. mass transit system.
c. squatters.
d. geography.

6. How did the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors affect many Native Americans?
a. Their lives improved.
b. They died from hunger, the hardships of slavery, and disease.
c. They joined the Spanish army.
d. They received farmland.

7. One obstacle to the building of the Panama Canal was removed when scientists discovered that malaria was carried by
a. vaccinations.
b. yellow fever.
c. locks.
d. mosquitoes.

8. Why did the United States first need to negotiate with Colombia to build the Panama Canal?
a. Colombia was a neighboring country.
b. Part of the canal would be located in Colombia.
c. Panama was part of Colombia.
d. Panama did not have a diplomatic mission in the United States.

9. Why did United States President Theodore Roosevelt believe a canal through Panama was important?
a. It would help U.S. relations with European countries.
b. It would speed travel for the United States Navy and trade between oceans.
c. It would take less lime for the prospectors to get from the east coast of the United States to California.
d. It would allow Panama to be free from Colombia's rule.

So, I got these answers:
1. a
2. b
3. b
4. c
5. d
6. b
7. d
8. c
9. b

OO_ Excuse me...



Your answers all are correct. In future, though, please put your answers with the questions, not in a separate list. It's much easier to check them without scrolling up and down, up and down, up and down.

Thank you, though, very much. I really appreciate you looking at it. I was like, "I hope all of these answers are correct.", so, you're a lifesaver! :)

Good work, though, Teddy! :)

Oh, I'm sorry about the first comment. I wasn't intending to be mean. I was intending to be just ashamed.

REED YOU WERE WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To answer these questions, you can use a variety of resources, such as textbooks, encyclopedias, and reliable websites. It's important to carefully read the provided options and choose the most accurate answer based on your knowledge or research. Let's go through each question and its correct answer:

1. In a typical rural village in Mexico, you might expect to find that most people living on farms get their food by:
Answer: a. growing their own
Explanation: In rural areas of Mexico, it is common for people to grow their own food on farms to sustain themselves and their families.

2. Which of the following statements about Guatemala is true?
Answer: b. Most people in Guatemala are of Native American ancestry.
Explanation: Guatemala's population is primarily composed of indigenous people with Native American ancestry.

3. The Panama Canal allows ships to travel between the Pacific Ocean and the:
Answer: b. Atlantic Ocean.
Explanation: The Panama Canal connects the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, providing a shortcut for maritime transportation.

4. The main reason Mexicans are moving from rural areas to the cities is to find:
Answer: c. employment.
Explanation: People in rural areas of Mexico often move to cities in search of better job opportunities and a higher standard of living.

5. Mexico City's pollution problem is made worse by:
Answer: d. geography.
Explanation: Mexico City's high levels of pollution are exacerbated by its geographical location, which traps pollutants due to surrounding mountains.

6. How did the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors affect many Native Americans?
Answer: b. They died from hunger, the hardships of slavery, and disease.
Explanation: The arrival of Spanish conquistadors resulted in the decimation of many Native American populations due to factors like famine, forced labor, and diseases brought by the Europeans.

7. One obstacle to the building of the Panama Canal was removed when scientists discovered that malaria was carried by:
Answer: d. mosquitoes.
Explanation: Malaria was transmitted by mosquitoes, and once this connection was understood, measures to combat the disease could be implemented during the construction of the Panama Canal.

8. Why did the United States first need to negotiate with Colombia to build the Panama Canal?
Answer: c. Panama was part of Colombia.
Explanation: At the time, Panama was part of Colombia, so negotiating with Colombia was necessary to gain control over the territory where the canal was to be built.

9. Why did United States President Theodore Roosevelt believe a canal through Panama was important?
Answer: b. It would speed travel for the United States Navy and trade between oceans.
Explanation: President Roosevelt believed that constructing a canal through Panama would provide a faster route for the United States Navy and facilitate international trade by connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

By using reliable sources and understanding the context of each question, you can arrive at the correct answers.

Also Rage, nice troll. These answers are correct.

1. a
2. b
3. b
4. c
5. d
6. b
7. d
8. c
9. b