2. Which of these claims produced conflict between religious leaders and transcendalists writers?

A. the claims that god nad nature were the same.
B. the views that everyone could interpret Gods will
C. the beliefs that morality was different fro every nation.
D. the notion that humans were fundmentally self serving

Is the answer C?


Then D?

Is the answer D?

To determine the answer between the given options (A, B, C, D), we need to analyze each claim and see if there were conflicts between religious leaders and transcendentalist writers regarding these claims.

A. The claim that God and nature were the same: This belief, known as pantheism, was consistent with the transcendentalist philosophy and not necessarily in direct conflict with religious leaders. Some religious leaders might have disagreed, while others might have found common ground.

B. The views that everyone could interpret God's will: Transcendentalist writers believed in individual spiritual experiences and the ability to interpret God's will without the need for intermediaries, such as religious leaders or priests. This might have contradicted the hierarchical structure and authority of religious leaders, causing conflicts.

C. The beliefs that morality was different for every nation: This claim does not seem to be directly tied to conflicts between religious leaders and transcendentalist writers. It is more of a general understanding that different cultures and nations might have different moral frameworks.

D. The notion that humans were fundamentally self-serving: This idea, known as skepticism or cynicism, implies that humans are inherently selfish. It might have contradicted religious beliefs in the inherent goodness of humans or their capacity for spiritual growth, potentially leading to conflicts.

Based on the analysis provided, the answer is not C, but rather B or D. To determine the correct answer between these two choices, further examination or research is needed.