A small business employs 98 people. All of the employees work for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Eleven of the employees receive a wage of $45 an hour and the rest receive $30 an hour. In total, how much does the business pay its employees each week?



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To calculate the total amount the business pays its employees each week, we need to determine the number of employees who receive $45 an hour and the number of employees who receive $30 an hour.

Let's start by finding the number of employees who receive $45 an hour. According to the information given, there are eleven employees who receive this wage.

To calculate the number of employees who receive $30 an hour, we can subtract the number of employees who receive $45 an hour from the total number of employees.

Total number of employees - Number of employees receiving $45 an hour = Number of employees receiving $30 an hour
98 - 11 = 87

Now that we know there are 87 employees who receive $30 an hour and 11 employees who receive $45 an hour, we can calculate the total amount the business pays each hour for the wages.

Total amount for $30 per hour employees = Number of $30 per hour employees * $30
Total amount for $45 per hour employees = Number of $45 per hour employees * $45

Total amount paid per hour = Total amount for $30 per hour employees + Total amount for $45 per hour employees

Total amount paid per hour = 87 * $30 + 11 * $45

Now, let's calculate the total amount paid each week by multiplying the total amount paid per hour by the number of hours worked in a week:

Total amount paid per week = Total amount paid per hour * Number of hours worked in a week

The number of hours worked in a week is calculated by multiplying the number of hours worked in a day (8 hours) by the number of working days in a week (5 days).

Total amount paid per week = (87 * $30 + 11 * $45) * 8 * 5

By performing this calculation, you will find the total amount the business pays its employees each week.



(87 * 30) + (11 * 45) = ?

Multiply the above answer by 40.