Simplify 2 square root 6 ( 3 square root 2 - 12) completely.

If you could help me with this that would be great. The answer I get is 6 square root 12 - 24 square root 6, but I'm not sure if it's simplified completely. Thanks

I hope this helps!


How did you get that number?

2√6 (3√2 - 12)

= 6√12 - 24√6
= 12√3 - 24√6

To simplify the expression 2√6(3√2 - 12) completely, we can use the distributive property.

First, let's simplify the product inside the parentheses:
3√2 - 12

Next, distribute 2√6 to each term:
2√6 * 3√2 - 2√6 * 12

Now, simplify each term individually using the multiplication property of radicals:

For the first term, we need to multiply the coefficients (2 and 3) and multiply the square roots (√6 and √2):
(2 * 3) * (√6 * √2) = 6√12

For the second term, multiply the coefficients (2 and 12) and multiply the square roots (√6 and 1):
(2 * 12) * (√6 * 1) = 24√6

Putting it all together, we get:
6√12 - 24√6

Therefore, the simplified expression is 6√12 - 24√6.