Consider the following balanced equation:

Complete the following table showing the appropriate number of moles of reactants and products. If the number of moles of a reactant is provided, fill in the required amount of the other reactant, as well as the moles of each product formed. If the number of moles of a product is provided, fill in the required amount of each reactant to make that amount of product, as well as the amount of the other product that is made.

Mol N2H4 Mol N2O4 Mol N2 Mol H2O
2 __1___ __3___ ___4__
_____ 9 _____ _____
__9___ _4.5____ __14__ 18
3.5 __1.8___ _5.3__ __7___
_____ 3.6 _____ ____
___9.67__ __4.83___ 14.5 _ 19.3____

I just need help with row 2 and 5 please


(5) x....3.6......y.......z

I agree with 1
I did 2.
Disagree with 3. I think that 14 should be 13.5 assuming 4.5 is the starting number.
Disagree with 4.
I did 5.
I disagree with 6.

If you will provide the starting number for 1,3,4,6 I will check them for you. I may chosen a number you didn't start with.

To complete row 2, we need to calculate the appropriate amounts of reactants and products.

Given: Moles of N2H4 = 9

1. First, let's find the moles of N2O4.
From the balanced equation, we know that for every 2 moles of N2H4, we need 1 mole of N2O4.
So, to find the moles of N2O4, we can use the following proportion:
(2 moles N2H4 / 1 mole N2O4) = (9 moles N2H4 / x moles N2O4)

Cross-multiplying, we get:
2x = 9
x = 9/2
x = 4.5 moles N2O4

2. Now, let's find the moles of N2 and H2O.
From the balanced equation, we know that for every 2 moles of N2H4, we get 3 moles of N2 and 4 moles of H2O.
So, we can use the following proportion for N2:
(2 moles N2H4 / 3 moles N2) = (9 moles N2H4 / y moles N2)

Cross-multiplying, we get:
2y = 27
y = 27/2
y = 13.5 moles N2

And for H2O:
(2 moles N2H4 / 4 moles H2O) = (9 moles N2H4 / z moles H2O)

Cross-multiplying, we get:
2z = 18
z = 18/2
z = 9 moles H2O

Therefore, row 2 of the table should be:
Mol N2H4 2 1 3 4
9 4.5 13.5 18

To complete row 5, we need to calculate the appropriate amounts of reactants and products.

Given: Moles of N2 = 9.67

1. First, let's find the moles of N2O4.
From the balanced equation, we know that for every 3 moles of N2, we need 1 mole of N2O4.
So, to find the moles of N2O4, we can use the following proportion:
(3 moles N2 / 1 mole N2O4) = (9.67 moles N2 / x moles N2O4)

Cross-multiplying, we get:
3x = 9.67
x = 9.67/3
x = 3.22 moles N2O4

2. Now, let's find the moles of N2H4 and H2O.
From the balanced equation, we know that for every 3 moles of N2, we get 2 moles of N2H4 and 4 moles of H2O.
So, we can use the following proportion for N2H4:
(3 moles N2 / 2 moles N2H4) = (9.67 moles N2 / y moles N2H4)

Cross-multiplying, we get:
3y = 19.34
y = 19.34/3
y = 6.45 moles N2H4

And for H2O:
(3 moles N2 / 4 moles H2O) = (9.67 moles N2 / z moles H2O)

Cross-multiplying, we get:
4z = 19.34
z = 19.34/4
z = 4.83 moles H2O

Therefore, row 5 of the table should be:
Mol N2H4 2 1 3 4
9.67 3.22 9.67 12.12

I hope this helps!

Sure! Let's start with row 2:

Mol N2H4 Mol N2O4 Mol N2 Mol H2O
2 9 ____ _____
_____ _____ _____ _____
__9___ 4.5 __14__ 18

In row 2, we are given the number of moles of N2O4 as 9. We need to determine the corresponding amount of N2 and H2O produced.

From the balanced equation, we can see that the ratio of N2O4 to N2 is 1:3. Therefore, if we have 9 moles of N2O4, we will have (9 moles) x (3 moles of N2 / 1 mole of N2O4) = 27 moles of N2.

Similarly, the ratio of N2O4 to H2O is 1:4. Therefore, if we have 9 moles of N2O4, we will have (9 moles) x (4 moles of H2O / 1 mole of N2O4) = 36 moles of H2O.

Updating row 2:

Mol N2H4 Mol N2O4 Mol N2 Mol H2O
2 9 27 36
_____ _____ _____ _____

Now let's move to row 5:

Mol N2H4 Mol N2O4 Mol N2 Mol H2O
_____ 3.6 _____ ____
___9.67__ __4.83___ 14.5 _ 19.3____

In row 5, we are given the number of moles of N2H4 as 9.67. We need to determine the corresponding amount of N2O4, N2, and H2O produced.

From the balanced equation, we can see that the ratio of N2H4 to N2O4 is 2:1. Therefore, if we have 9.67 moles of N2H4, we will have (9.67 moles) x (1 mole of N2O4 / 2 moles of N2H4) = 4.83 moles of N2O4.

The ratio of N2H4 to N2 is also 2:3. Therefore, if we have 9.67 moles of N2H4, we will have (9.67 moles) x (3 moles of N2 / 2 moles of N2H4) = 14.5 moles of N2.

Lastly, the ratio of N2H4 to H2O is 2:4. Therefore, if we have 9.67 moles of N2H4, we will have (9.67 moles) x (4 moles of H2O / 2 moles of N2H4) = 19.3 moles of H2O.

Updating row 5:

Mol N2H4 Mol N2O4 Mol N2 Mol H2O
_____ 3.6 14.5 19.3

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.