Advocates of a parliamentary system argue that congress is inefficient, moves slowly, and develops policies laced with compromises. What evidence exists to support this negative evaluation?

Democracy is always cumbersome. The fact that laws passed by Congress need to be signed by the president complicates the process but assures a balance of powers.


To find evidence supporting the negative evaluation of Congress being inefficient, slow, and compromised, you can follow these steps:

1. Research studies and reports: Look for academic studies, independent research, or expert analysis that focuses on the functioning and efficiency of Congress. These studies often provide data-driven evidence to evaluate the performance of legislative bodies, including Congress.

2. Congressional approval ratings: Track public opinion polls and approval ratings to gain insight into how the public perceives Congress. Low approval ratings indicate dissatisfaction with Congress's performance, possibly indicating inefficiency and slow progress.

3. Case studies of legislation: Examine specific examples of legislation that faced significant delays, obstacles, stalemates, or compromises during the legislative process. These case studies can be useful in understanding the difficulties Congress encounters in making policy decisions and passing laws.

4. Media analysis: Analyze news articles, opinion pieces, and editorials that discuss the functioning of Congress. Media outlets often report on congressional activities, highlighting instances of deadlock, partisan bickering, and compromises that may support the negative evaluation.

5. Congressional gridlock and partisan polarization: Consider the growing trend of gridlock and partisan polarization within Congress. Elevated levels of gridlock and polarization can hinder policy-making and contribute to a sense of inefficiency and slow progress.

It's important to note that while these sources can provide evidence supporting the negative evaluation, it's also crucial to explore opposing viewpoints to gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic.