if 600 divided by 6=100 then 602 divided by 6 =n

What do you think is the value of n?

what is 5 divided by 602

if 600 divde 6 =100 then 602 divde 6 = n

To find the value of "n" in the equation 602 divided by 6 = n, you can use the concept of ratios.

We know that 600 divided by 6 equals 100. This means that if we divide 600 by 6, the result is 100.

Now, let's analyze the difference between 600 and 602. Since 602 is 2 more than 600, we can infer that the result of 602 divided by 6 will be 2 more than the result of 600 divided by 6.

Since the result of 600 divided by 6 is 100, we can add 2 to it to find the result of 602 divided by 6.

Therefore, 602 divided by 6 equals 100 + 2 = 102.

Hence, the value of "n" in the equation 602 divided by 6 = n is 102.