4x 8

___ - ______
x+2 x-1
*Simplify The Expression

I'm going to assume your problem is this:

4x/(x+2) - 8/(x-1)

Use a common denominator since the denominators are not the same.

Common denominator is: (x+2)(x-1)

Rewriting the problem, we have:
4x(x-1)/(x+2)(x-1) - 8(x+2)/(x+2)(x-1)

Combining the numerators:
[4x(x-1) - 8(x+2)]/(x+2)(x-1)

Simplify the numerator. Remember to watch signs. If the numerator can be factored, try it. Then reduce further if you can.

I hope this will help.

To simplify the expression, we need to distribute and combine like terms in the numerator:

[4x(x-1) - 8(x+2)] = [4x^2 - 4x - 8x - 16] = [4x^2 - 12x - 16]

So the simplified expression is:

(4x^2 - 12x - 16)/(x+2)(x-1)