Internet Service Provider An Internet service provider has three different subscription packages for its customers: Package A: For $9.95 per month 10 hours of access are provided. Additional hours are $2.00 per hour.

Package B: For $13.95 per month 20 hours of access are provided. Additional hours are $1.00 per hour. Package C: For $19.95 per month unlimited access is provided.
Write a program that calculates a customer's monthly bill. It should ask the user to enter the letter of the package the customer has purchased (A, B, or C) and the number of hours that were used. It should then display the total charges.

Sure! I can help you write a program in Python to calculate a customer's monthly bill based on the subscription package and number of hours used. Here's the code:

# Get user inputs
package = input("Enter the package (A, B, or C): ")
hours = int(input("Enter the number of hours used: "))

# Calculate total charges based on the chosen package
if package == "A":
if hours <= 10:
total_charges = 9.95
additional_hours = hours - 10
total_charges = 9.95 + (additional_hours * 2.00)
elif package == "B":
if hours <= 20:
total_charges = 13.95
additional_hours = hours - 20
total_charges = 13.95 + (additional_hours * 1.00)
elif package == "C":
total_charges = 19.95
print("Invalid package entered.")

# Display the total charges
print("Total charges: $", total_charges)


Here's an explanation of how the code works:

- First, we prompt the user to enter the package letter (A, B, or C) and the number of hours used using the `input` function. We convert the number of hours to an integer using `int()` since it's entered as a string by default.
- Next, we use an `if...elif...else` statement to calculate the total charges based on the chosen package and the number of hours used.
- If the chosen package is A, we check if the number of hours is less than or equal to 10. If so, the total charges are set to $9.95. Otherwise, we calculate the additional hours used (`additional_hours = hours - 10`) and add (additional_hours * $2.00) to the total charges.
- Similarly, for package B, we check if the number of hours is less than or equal to 20. If so, the total charges are set to $13.95. Otherwise, we calculate the additional hours used (`additional_hours = hours - 20`) and add (additional_hours * $1.00) to the total charges.
- For package C, which offers unlimited access, the total charges are set to $19.95.
- If an invalid package letter is entered, we display an error message.
- Finally, we display the total charges calculated using the `print` function.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.