100ml of h2s04 solution having molarity 1M and density 1.5g/ml is mixed with 400ml of water. Calculate final molarity of h2s04 solution if final density 1.25g/ml.

Ans is 0.227M


To calculate the final molarity of the H2SO4 solution, we need to use the concept of dilution.

Step 1: Start by calculating the initial number of moles (n1) of H2SO4 in the 100ml solution.
Molarity (M1) = 1M
Volume (V1) = 100ml

Using the formula:
n1 = M1 * V1

n1 = 1M * 0.1L (converting ml to L)
n1 = 0.1 moles

Step 2: Calculate the initial mass (m1) of the H2SO4 in the 100ml solution.
Density (d1) = 1.5g/ml
Volume (V1) = 100ml

Using the formula:
m1 = d1 * V1

m1 = 1.5g/ml * 100ml
m1 = 150g

Step 3: Calculate the final number of moles (n2) of H2SO4 in the diluted solution.
Final density (d2) = 1.25g/ml
Volume (V2) = 100ml + 400ml = 500ml

Using the formula:
n2 = m2 / M2

To calculate m2 (the final mass of H2SO4), we need to use the concept of mass conservation (mass1 = mass2).

m1 = m2

1.5g/ml * 100ml = 1.25g/ml * 500ml
150g = m2

n2 = 150g / M2

Step 4: Calculate the final molarity (M2) of the H2SO4 solution.
Using the formula:
M2 = n2 / V2

M2 = (150g / M2) / 0.5L (converting ml to L)
M2 = 2 * (150g / M2)

To solve this equation, we need to substitute M2 with the value of the final molarity of H2SO4 solution which is unknown.
So, let's assume the final molarity as M.

M = 2 * (150g / M)
M^2 = 300g / M
M^3 = 300g
M= (300g)^(1/3)
M= 6.0854

Finally, we can conclude that the final molarity of the H2SO4 solution is 0.227M