In triangle XYZ,A is the midpoint of YZ. The bisector of the exterior angle at X of XYZ cuts YZ produced at B. The line through A parallel to XB, cuts XY at P and XZ produced at Q.

1. PY= QZ

To prove that PY = QZ, we can use the concept of similar triangles. Let's break down the given information step by step in order to understand the geometry of triangle XYZ.

1. A is the midpoint of YZ: This means that the line segment YZ is divided into two equal parts, YA and AZ.

2. The bisector of the exterior angle at X of XYZ cuts YZ produced at B: The exterior angle at X is the angle formed by extending one of the sides of the triangle. The bisector of this angle will divide the exterior angle into two equal parts. The bisector intersects the extension of side YZ at point B.

3. The line through A parallel to XB cuts XY at P and XZ produced at Q: Drawing a line through point A parallel to line XB, we get two intersections with the sides XY and XZ. Let's label these points as P and Q, respectively.

To prove PY = QZ, we can use the concept of similar triangles. Notice that triangle PXA is similar to triangle BZX. This is because angle PAX is equal to angle XBZ (since the lines are parallel) and angle PXA is equal to angle BZX (since they are corresponding angles formed by the parallel lines).

Using the concept of similar triangles, we can write the following proportion:

PY / PX = QZ / ZX

Since triangle PXA is similar to triangle BZX, we know that PXA is proportional to BZX. Since point A is the midpoint of segment YZ, we also know that YA is equal to AZ. Therefore, PX is equal to XZ.

Plugging these values into the proportion, we get:

PY / PX = QZ / ZX
PY / XZ = QZ / XZ

Therefore, we have proven that PY is equal to QZ.