Sand pouring from a conveyor belt forms a conical pile the radius of which is 3/4 of the height. If the sand is filling up at a constant rate of 1/2m^3/min, at what rate is the height of the pile is growing 3 min after the pouring starts?

since the radius is 3/4 the height,

The volume of the pile is thus

v = π/3 r^2 h = π/3 (3h/4)^2 h = 3π/16 h^3

dv/dt = 9π/16 h^2 dh/dt

now, plugging in your numbers,
at t=3, v = 3/2, so
3π/16 h^3 = 3/2
h = 2/∛π


9π/16 4/∛π^2 dh/dt = 1/2
dh/dt = 2/9 ∛π m/min

i have changed name just for safety purpose i am using this site for the very first time i wont do it again kindly answer my question

thank you steve

To find the rate at which the height of the pile is growing, we can use related rates.

Let's assign some variables:
- Let h be the height of the pile at time t (in minutes).
- Let r be the radius of the conical pile at time t.

Based on the given information, we know that the radius of the pile is 3/4 times the height, so we have: r = (3/4)h.

We also know that the sand is filling up the pile at a constant rate of 1/2 m^3/min. This means that the volume of the pile is increasing at a constant rate of 1/2 m^3/min.

The volume of a cone can be calculated using the formula: V = (1/3)πr^2h, where V is the volume, π is pi (approximately 3.14159), r is the radius, and h is the height.

To find the rate at which the height is growing, we need to find dh/dt, the derivative of the height with respect to time.

First, let's write the volume equation in terms of h and r:
V = (1/3)π[(3/4)h]^2h
V = (1/3)π(9/16)h^3
V = (3/16)πh^3

Now, we can differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to time (t):
dV/dt = d/dt[(3/16)πh^3]

The derivative of V with respect to t (dV/dt) is the rate at which the volume of the pile is changing, which is given as 1/2 m^3/min.

Therefore, we have: 1/2 = d/dt[(3/16)πh^3]

Now, we can solve for dh/dt, the rate at which the height of the pile is growing, by differentiating both sides of the equation with respect to time (t):
0 = d^2/dt^2[(3/16)πh^3]

Simplifying, we have:
0 = (9/16π)h^2(dh/dt)^2

To find dh/dt, we can rearrange the equation as follows:
(dh/dt)^2 = 0 / [(9/16π)h^2]
(dh/dt)^2 = 0
dh/dt = 0 (since the derivative squared is 0)

Therefore, the rate at which the height of the pile is growing is 0. The height remains constant after 3 minutes of pouring.

Note: This result might seem counterintuitive, but it is due to the specific conditions given in the problem.