In triangle XYZ,A is the midpoint of YZ. The bisector of the exterior angle at X of XYZ cuts YZ produced at B. The line through A parallel to XB, cuts XY at P and XZ produced at Q.

1.PY/PX= ZA/BA = QZ/QX. Please help

To prove the given statement, we need to show that PY/PX = ZA/BA = QZ/QX.

First, let's look at the triangle XYZ:

1. Triangle XYZ: We are given that A is the midpoint of YZ. Therefore, by the midpoint theorem, we know that A divides YZ into two equal segments: AY and AZ.

Next, let's consider the bisector of the exterior angle at X:

2. Bisector of exterior angle at X: This line divides the angle XYZ into two equal angles. Let's call the point of intersection of this line with YZ produced as B.

Now, we'll focus on the line through A parallel to XB:

3. Line through A parallel to XB: This line intersects XY at point P and XZ produced at point Q.

To prove the given statement, we need to show that PY/PX = ZA/BA = QZ/QX.

Let's start by proving that PY/PX = ZA/BA:

Using similar triangles, we can compare triangles APY and XBA:

4. Triangle APY and triangle XBA are similar: Since line AB is parallel to line XP, we have corresponding angles PYA and BAX that are equal.

5. By the AA (angle-angle) similarity criterion, triangles APY and XBA are similar.

Using the property of similar triangles, we can equate the corresponding side ratios:

6. PY/PX = ZA/BA: Since triangles APY and XBA are similar, the ratio of corresponding sides is equal. Therefore, PY/PX = ZA/BA.

Next, let's prove that ZA/BA = QZ/QX:

Using similar triangles, we can compare triangles AZQ and BXA:

7. Triangle AZQ and triangle BXA are similar: Since line AB is parallel to line XQ, we have corresponding angles ZQA and BAX that are equal.

8. By the AA (angle-angle) similarity criterion, triangles AZQ and BXA are similar.

Again, using the property of similar triangles, we can equate the corresponding side ratios:

9. ZA/BA = QZ/QX: Since triangles AZQ and BXA are similar, the ratio of corresponding sides is equal. Therefore, ZA/BA = QZ/QX.

Putting everything together, we have proven that PY/PX = ZA/BA = QZ/QX.

Hence, the given statement 1.PY/PX= ZA/BA = QZ/QX is true based on the properties of similar triangles.