In the following sentence, what word does the participial phrase modify?

Everyone in the annex heard her screaming loudly

Participles act as adjectives and modify nouns or pronouns.

What do you think the participle modifies?

Well a Participial phrase is a phrase made up of a participle with its modifiers, such as adverbs, and objects or complements. So I think the answer is annex?

Really? Was the annex screaming?

OH haha I thought of objects and I thought of Annex. Its her.

Yes, the participle modifies "her."

Thank you so much.

You're very welcome.


To determine which word the participial phrase modifies in the sentence "Everyone in the annex heard her screaming loudly," you need to identify the participial phrase first.

The participial phrase in the sentence is "screaming loudly."

Now, to find out which word it modifies, you look for the noun or pronoun that directly precedes the participial phrase. In this case, it is the pronoun "her."

Therefore, the participial phrase "screaming loudly" modifies the pronoun "her" in the sentence.