A week ago my stuff wasn't posting and now it is why is that.

it could very well be that the Wi-Fi or your other connection to the internet wasn't working properly. Sometimes my responses to students' questions won't post, either, because the Wi-Fi malfunctions.

oh probably that makes since

It's also possible that you banned from posting for a week or so. Did you post some inappropriate remarks?

No I just gave an answer to somebody and the next second I couldn't post anything just told them what the answer was I think a fake Ms. Sue was there but I'm not sure because she wasn't using correct capitalization or punctuation.

There could be several reasons why your stuff was not posting a week ago but is now posting. Let me guide you on how to troubleshoot this issue:

1. Check your internet connection: Ensure that you have a stable internet connection. If your connection was weak or interrupted previously, it could have caused issues with posting.

2. Update your app or software: If you are using a specific app or software to post, make sure it is updated to the latest version. Software updates often fix bugs and compatibility issues that could prevent your posts from going through.

3. Clear cache and cookies: Sometimes, clearing the cache and cookies in your browser can resolve posting issues. This removes temporary files that may be interfering with the posting process.

4. Check account settings: Verify your account settings to ensure there are no restrictions or privacy settings that could prevent your posts from being visible. Make sure your posts are set to be public or visible to your desired audience.

5. Contact platform support: If you have tried the above steps and still cannot post, reach out to the platform's support team. They can provide further assistance, investigate potential technical issues, or help troubleshoot specific settings.

Remember, depending on the platform or app you are using, the exact steps to resolve the issue may vary. It's always recommended to refer to the platform's official documentation or support channels for specific guidance.