I need to ask 2 grammatical questions about french for my blog can somebody please give them to me in English.

Thank you

I posted them yesterday for you.

No I need grammatical today not cultural.

Why does French use accent marks?

What does ^ mean over the o in hotel?

Certainly! Here are two grammatical questions about French that you can use for your blog:

1. What is the difference between "tu" and "vous" in French?
To answer this question, you can explain that "tu" is the informal singular form of "you" and is used when speaking to someone you are familiar with or of the same age or social status. On the other hand, "vous" is the formal singular form of "you" and is used when addressing someone older or of higher social status. It is also the plural form of "you" and is used in both formal and informal settings when addressing multiple people.

2. How do you form the past tense in French?
To answer this question, you can explain that the past tense, also known as the passé composé, is formed using the auxiliary verb "avoir" (to have) or "être" (to be) conjugated in the present tense, followed by the past participle of the main verb. The choice between "avoir" and "être" as the auxiliary verb depends on the verb being used. You can also mention some common irregular past participles that learners need to be aware of.

Feel free to modify or elaborate on these questions as needed for your blog post.