what is the dividing line between east & west in the usa and how are those two regions different?

i think the dividing line is the mississippi river?? idk.

Shannon's right. The dividing line between the eastern and western parts of the U.S. is usually considered the Mississippi.

One difference I've noticed in my travels is that east of the Mississippi, junk trees and weeds grow everywhere they can, especially along railroad tracks. West of the Mississippi, you see very little vegetation except for what people have planted. The exceptions are the Great Plains which originally had native grasses and forested areas of mountains.

The east is more heavily populated with many large cities and family farms, while the west has fewer large cities and agriculture is often concentrated on rangeland for cattle.

However in the fall, the maple leaves as they turn in the East can't be beaten by the leaves in the West! It's the beautiful shades of red that I miss on the West Coast.


The dividing line between the East and West in the USA can vary depending on the context. There isn't a universally agreed-upon line, but there are a few common divisions used to categorize the country into East and West regions. One of the most common divisions is the Mississippi River, which is often considered the dividing line between the East and West.

However, it's important to note that the distinction between East and West is not purely geographic but also encompasses cultural, historical, and social differences. Here are some key differences between the East and West regions in the USA:

1. Geography and Climate: The East Coast is characterized by a relatively mild climate with hot summers and cold winters, while the West Coast has a more diverse climate, ranging from Mediterranean in California to arid in the Southwest and temperate in the Pacific Northwest.

2. Population Centers: The East Coast is home to major metropolitan areas like New York City, Boston, and Miami, which are known for their bustling urban environments, diverse populations, and cultural landmarks. On the other hand, the West Coast has cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle, known for their entertainment industries, technological innovations, and natural beauty.

3. History and Culture: The East Coast has a longer colonial history and is associated with early American history, the birth of the nation, and historic landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, the Freedom Trail, and colonial-era cities. The West Coast, especially California, is more closely linked to the gold rush, western expansion, and a blend of different cultural influences due to its proximity to the Pacific Rim.

4. Economic Activities: The East Coast has a more diverse economy, with industries such as finance, technology, healthcare, and education playing significant roles. The West Coast, particularly California, is renowned for its tech industry, film and entertainment sector, and agriculture.

It's important to keep in mind that these are generalizations, and the USA is a vast and diverse country with many sub-regions that can have their own distinct characteristics. Additionally, the cultural and regional differences within each coast can be significant.