In one region the number of students in Math 101 is 20% more than the number of students in Math 123. If there are 480 students in Math 101, how many students are in Math 123?


Math123=math101 / 1.2

To find the number of students in Math 123, we need to determine the original number of students before the 20% increase in Math 101.

Let's assume the number of students in Math 123 is X.

According to the given information, the number of students in Math 101 is 20% more than the number in Math 123. Mathematically, this can be expressed as:

Number of students in Math 101 = Number of students in Math 123 + 20% of Number of students in Math 123

Since 20% can be written as 0.20, we can rewrite the equation as:

480 = X + 0.20X

To solve for X, we can combine the terms on the right side:

480 = 1.20X

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 1.20 to isolate X:

X = 480 / 1.20

Evaluating this expression, we find:

X = 400

Therefore, there are 400 students in Math 123.