Describe two causes and effects of the Great Depression.

superficial prosperity would be a cause

Cause 1: Superficial Prosperity

One of the causes of the Great Depression was the superficial prosperity that existed before the stock market crash in 1929. To understand this cause in more depth, you can use the following steps:

1. Open a web browser and go to
2. In the search bar, type "great depression causes effects" and press Enter.
3. You will see a list of search results that provide information on the causes and effects of the Great Depression.
4. Look for reliable sources such as reputable news websites, academic publications, or government websites to get accurate and detailed information.
5. Click on one of the search results that seem relevant and credible.
6. Read the content of the source you selected to learn more about the specific causes of the Great Depression, including the role of superficial prosperity.

Effect 1: Unemployment
One of the effects of the Great Depression was a massive increase in unemployment rates. Follow these steps to find more information on this effect:

1. Repeat steps 1-3 from the previous section to conduct a search on the effects of the Great Depression.
2. Look for credible sources that provide data and analysis on unemployment during the Great Depression.
3. Click on one of the search results that seem reliable and informative.
4. Read the content of the source you selected to gain a better understanding of the effect of unemployment during the Great Depression, including statistics and explanations on the causes and consequences of high unemployment rates during that time.

By following these steps, you should be able to access reliable sources that will give you detailed information on the causes and effects of the Great Depression, including the role of superficial prosperity as a cause and the effect of unemployment.