Solve the equation z^5=-1 giving the solutions in polar form

I've got z^5 =1 but just not sure as its a negative

to get -1 + 0 i

z^5 = 1 cos 180 + i sin 180

That should get you started

let z^5 = rcosθ + rsinθ i

= -1 + 0

we have r = 1
θ = 180°

so z^5 = 1(cos180° + isin180°)

by de Moivre's theorme
z = 1^(1/5)(cos 180/5 + i sin180/5)
= 1(cos 36° + isin36°) or cis36°

repeating at 360/5 or 72°

z = cis 36°
z = cis108°
z = cis180° -----> there is our -1
z= cis252°
z = cis324°

To solve the equation z^5 = -1, you first need to express -1 in polar form. The polar form of -1 is given by -1 = e^(iπ+2kπ), where k is an integer.

Now, let's find the solutions by raising z to the power of 1/5. We have:

z = (-1)^(1/5) = (e^(iπ+2kπ))^(1/5)

To simplify this expression, we use the properties of exponents to combine the exponents inside the parentheses:

z = e^((iπ+2kπ)(1/5))

Now, we simplify the exponent further:

z = e^(iπ/5 + 2kπ/5)

This is the polar form of z. In polar form, a complex number z is given by z = re^(iθ), where r is the modulus (magnitude) of z, and θ is the argument (angle) of z.

Comparing the form of z = e^(iπ/5 + 2kπ/5) with z = re^(iθ), we can identify the modulus and argument:

Modulus: r = 1
Argument: θ = π/5 + 2kπ/5, where k is an integer

Therefore, the solutions to the equation z^5 = -1 in polar form are:

z₁ = 1*e^(iπ/5)
z₂ = 1*e^(i3π/5)
z₃ = 1*e^(i5π/5)
z₄ = 1*e^(i7π/5)
z₅ = 1*e^(i9π/5)

These are the five complex solutions in polar form.