In the lab we synthesised nickel (II) ammine tetraflouroborate using hydrated nickel chloride and ammonia then this solution was added to a slotion of ammonia and ammonium tetraflouroborate,now im struggling to write a fully balanced chemical reaction.Would anyone please help with the equation?

To write a fully balanced chemical reaction for the synthesis of nickel (II) ammine tetrafluoroborate, we need to consider all the reactants and products involved.

1. Hydrated Nickel Chloride (NiCl2.xH2O)
2. Ammonia (NH3)
3. Ammonium Tetrafluoroborate (NH4BF4)
4. Ammonia Solution (NH3(aq))

1. Nickel (II) Ammine Tetrafluoroborate ([Ni(NH3)4](BF4)2)

The first step in the reaction involves the synthesis of nickel (II) ammine chloride:

NiCl2.xH2O + 2NH3 → [Ni(NH3)2Cl2] + xH2O

In the next step, the synthesized nickel (II) ammine chloride reacts with ammonia to form nickel (II) ammine:

[Ni(NH3)2Cl2] + 2NH3 → [Ni(NH3)4](Cl)2

Finally, the synthesized nickel (II) ammine reacts with the ammonium tetrafluoroborate to form nickel (II) ammine tetrafluoroborate:

[Ni(NH3)4](Cl)2 + 2NH4BF4 → [Ni(NH3)4](BF4)2 + 2NH4Cl

Note: The balanced equation may vary depending on the stoichiometry of the reactants and products. Adjust the coefficients as necessary based on the specific conditions of the reaction.