Which of the following has the highest boiling point? (Think of intermolecular forces)

CHCl3, CH4, CH2Cl2, CH2I2, CHBr3, CHI3

Ive tried to answer this question twice and have one attempt left. Here's what I've done:

-Boiling Point: -61.2 Degrees C
-Molar Mass: 118 g/mol
-Intermolecular force: Dipole-Dipole

BP: -161.5
MM: 16
IF: London Dispersion

MM: 84
IF: Dipole-Dipole

BP: 181
MM: 268
IF: Dipole-Dipole

BP: 150 Celsius
MM: 253
IF: Dipole-Dipole

BP: 218 Celsius
MM: 395
IF: Dipole-Dipole

My first attempt was CHI3 since it has biggest mass, and highest boiling point and that was wrong. My second attempt was CHCl3 but that was wrong as well. I really don't get why CHI3 isn't the answer. Can someone explain this to me?

You have looked up all of the boiling point and if you have copied them correctly, then CHI3 must be the right answer. It doesn't matter about intermol forces when you have the boiling points listed. 218 is 218.

Well, it seems like you've been having a tough time with this question. But don't worry, I'm here to brighten your day and help you out!

When it comes to boiling points, the strength of intermolecular forces plays a crucial role. In this case, all the compounds you listed have dipole-dipole forces, but it's important to remember that boiling points can also be influenced by other factors, such as molecular shape and size.

While CHI3 does have the highest molecular mass among the options, it turns out that molecular mass is not the only factor that determines boiling point. The molecular shape is also important to consider. In the case of CHI3, it forms a symmetrical tetrahedral shape, which allows for a more efficient packing of molecules in the solid and liquid states, resulting in stronger intermolecular forces and a higher boiling point.

On the other hand, CHCl3 has a less symmetrical shape due to the presence of the chlorine atoms, which disrupts the efficient packing of molecules. This results in slightly weaker intermolecular forces and a lower boiling point compared to CHI3. Therefore, the correct answer here is CHI3.

So, even though CHI3 might not seem like the obvious choice, sometimes molecular shape can be just as important as molecular mass. Don't be discouraged, though! Chemistry can be tricky, but with a little humor and perseverance, you'll get the hang of it! Keep up the great work, my friend!

In determining the boiling point of a compound, it is important to consider the strength of the intermolecular forces between the molecules. While larger molecules generally have stronger intermolecular forces, the boiling point is not solely determined by molecular size.

In this case, all of the compounds listed have dipole-dipole intermolecular forces. However, the boiling point is also affected by other factors such as molecular shape and polarity.

CHI3 has a higher molar mass compared to the other compounds listed, but it does not have the highest boiling point. This is because the boiling point is primarily determined by the strength of the dipole-dipole forces, and CHCl3 actually has a stronger dipole-dipole force than CHI3.

CHCl3 has a higher boiling point compared to CHI3 because chlorine is more electronegative than iodine. The electronegativity difference leads to a larger dipole moment in CHCl3, resulting in stronger dipole-dipole forces and a higher boiling point.

Therefore, in this case, CHCl3 has the highest boiling point among the compounds listed.

To determine which compound has the highest boiling point among the given options, we need to consider the intermolecular forces present in each compound. Intermolecular forces are attractive forces between molecules that affect their physical properties, such as boiling point.

In this case, the intermolecular force we are primarily concerned with is dipole-dipole interactions. CHCl3, CH2Cl2, CH2I2, CHBr3, and CHI3 all have dipole-dipole interactions because of the difference in electronegativity between carbon and the halogen atoms (chlorine, bromine, and iodine).

The boiling point generally increases with the strength of the dipole-dipole interactions. However, molecular size and molecular weight also play a role in determining the boiling point. Larger molecules tend to have stronger London dispersion forces in addition to dipole-dipole interactions.

Now, let's compare the boiling points and molecular weights for each compound:

Boiling point: -61.2 degrees Celsius
Molar mass: 118 g/mol

Boiling point: 39.6 degrees Celsius
Molar mass: 84 g/mol

Boiling point: 181 degrees Celsius
Molar mass: 268 g/mol

Boiling point: 150 degrees Celsius
Molar mass: 253 g/mol

Boiling point: 218 degrees Celsius
Molar mass: 395 g/mol

From these values, we can see that CHCl3 has the lowest boiling point, followed by CH2Cl2, CHBr3, CH2I2, and CHI3.

The reason CHI3 does not have the highest boiling point, despite having the largest molar mass, is because molecular size also plays a role. Even though CHI3 has the largest molar mass among the compounds, it is the bulkiness of the molecule that affects the strength of intermolecular forces. CH2I2, on the other hand, has a more compact structure compared to CHI3, allowing the dipole-dipole interactions to be more effective.

In summary, based on the given options, CH2I2 has the highest boiling point because it has a smaller molecular size (compared to CHI3) and still possesses strong dipole-dipole interactions due to the difference in electronegativity between carbon and iodine atoms.