given three numbers A,B,C. draw a flowchart to compute and print out the sum, average and the product of these values.

To create a flowchart to compute and print out the sum, average, and product of three numbers A, B, and C, you need to follow these steps:

1. Begin the flowchart.
2. Input the three numbers A, B, and C.
3. Add all three numbers to find the sum. Store the result in a variable called "sum."
4. Calculate the average by dividing the sum by 3. Store the result in a variable called "average."
5. Multiply A, B, and C to find the product. Store the result in a variable called "product."
6. Print out the sum, average, and product.
7. End the flowchart.

To visually represent this process in a flowchart, you can use the following symbols:

Start/End symbol: Represented by an oval shape.
Input/Output symbol: Represented by a parallelogram shape.
Processing symbol: Represented by a rectangle shape.
Decision symbol: Represented by a diamond shape.

Here is a flowchart representation of the steps described above:

| Start |
| +-------+
+--->| Input |
| +-------+
| |
| A, B, |
| C |
| |
| +-----------+
+-->| Sum = A+B+C|
| +-----------+
| +--------------+
+-->| Average = Sum/3|
| +--------------+
| +---------------+
+-->| Product = A*B*C|
| +---------------+
| |
| Print |
| |
| |
| End |
| |

Remember that you can adapt the symbols and design of the flowchart according to your preference or the conventions used by your organization.