pl correct the sentence : He asked her what she thinks or He asked her what she thought

2. there has not been any fish. question tag has there ? or has it ?

1. "He asked her what she thinks or He asked her what she thought"

This depends on the timing. Is she still thinking? Then use the first one. Is she finished thinking about the topic? Then use the second.

2. "here has not been any fish" <~~ I think the verb here is incorrect. The word "fish" in this sentence is intended to be plural, right? Here's the corrected sentence:
There have not been any fish, have there?

thank you writeacher pl correct the following :1.I am waiting here for three hours or I have been waiting here for three hours 2. Many a fool think so or Many a fool thinks so 3. She is an MA in english or She has an MA in english

1. I have been waiting here for three hours.

2. Many a fool thinks so. [This one is interesting since "many" is plural, but "a fool" is singular. However, every reference I can find online treats the phrase as singular!]

3. She has an MA in English.

1. To correct the sentence, you would need to make the verb tense consistent. Based on the context, you can choose either the present tense or the past tense. Here are two correct options:

- He asked her what she thinks. (present tense)
- He asked her what she thought. (past tense)

2. The correct question tag for the sentence "There has not been any fish" would be "has there?" This is because in the statement, the auxiliary verb "has" is used, so the question tag should follow the same pattern.

Corrected sentence with question tag:
- There has not been any fish, has there?