"welcome to new york"

Walking through a crowd
The village is aglow
Kaleidoscope of loud
Heartbeats under coats
Everybody here
Wanted something more
Searching for sound we hadn't
Heard before
And it said
Welcome to New Yory
It been waiting for you
It's new soundtrack
I could dance to this beat, beat
Forever more
The lights are so bright

Identify personification
1.It's been waiting for you
2.welcome to new york
3.searching for sound we hadn't heard before
I think answer is 2
Thank you


Scroll down and find "personification" and study the definition and examples given.

Then re-think this. Don't guess. Someone one will check only one more answer for you.

Personification is a figure of speech in which non-human objects or concepts are given human qualities or characteristics. It is used to create imagery and enhance the understanding of a situation or idea.

In the given lyrics, the personifications are:

1. "It's been waiting for you" - Here, 'It' (referring to New York) is personified as if it has the ability to wait. It gives the city a sense of anticipation or eagerness.

2. "Welcome to New York" - This phrase is not a personification but rather a simple greeting, so it is not an example of personification.

3. "Searching for sound we hadn't heard before" - 'Sound' is personified here as if it has the ability to actively search for new experiences. It adds a sense of excitement and discovery to the atmosphere.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is option 1, "It's been waiting for you."