"Welcome to New york" lyrics

Walking through a crowd
The village is aglow
Kaleidoscope of loud
Heartbeats under coats
Everybody here
Wanted something more
Searching for sound we hadn't
Heard before
And it said
Welcome to New Yory
It been waiting for you
It's new soundtrack
I could dance to this beat, beat
Forever more
The lights are so bright

What is here metaphor?
1.It's been waiting for you
2.welcome to new york
3.It's new soundtrack
I think answer is 1

See your other post. Look up "metaphor" and study the definition and examples.

The metaphor in these lyrics is "Welcome to New York." While line 2, "It's been waiting for you," could also be seen as metaphorical, the predominant metaphor in this portion of the song is the phrase "Welcome to New York." This metaphor suggests that New York City itself is personified as a welcoming host, ready to embrace and offer new experiences to anyone who arrives there. The line conveys the idea that the city is eagerly awaiting the arrival of the protagonist, as if it has been anticipating their presence. Therefore, the correct answer is 2: "Welcome to New York."