A 6-inch pizza costs $3.50. A 12-inch pizza costs $11. How much less is the area of the 6-inch pizza than the area of the 12-inch pizza? Express your answer to the nearest hundreth.

A = pi * r^2

A = 3.14 * 9
A = 28.26 square inches

3.50 / 28.26 = $0.12 per square inch

Now do the same with the pizza with a diameter of 12 inches.

To find the difference in the area of the 6-inch and 12-inch pizzas, we first need to calculate the areas of both pizzas.

The area of a circle is given by the formula A = πr^2, where A is the area and r is the radius.

For the 6-inch pizza, the radius is half of the diameter, so the radius is 6 inches / 2 = 3 inches. Therefore, the area of the 6-inch pizza is A = π(3 inches)^2.

For the 12-inch pizza, the radius is half of the diameter, so the radius is 12 inches / 2 = 6 inches. Therefore, the area of the 12-inch pizza is A = π(6 inches)^2.

Now, let's calculate the areas:

Area of the 6-inch pizza:
A = π(3 inches)^2 = π(9 square inches)

Area of the 12-inch pizza:
A = π(6 inches)^2 = π(36 square inches)

Calculating the areas, we get:

Area of the 6-inch pizza ≈ 28.27 square inches
Area of the 12-inch pizza ≈ 113.10 square inches

To find the difference in area, we subtract the area of the 6-inch pizza from the area of the 12-inch pizza:

Difference in area = Area of the 12-inch pizza - Area of the 6-inch pizza
Difference in area ≈ 113.10 square inches - 28.27 square inches

Calculating the difference, we get:

Difference in area ≈ 84.83 square inches

Therefore, the area of the 12-inch pizza is approximately 84.83 square inches more than the area of the 6-inch pizza.

nevermind 3:

bruh u dumb

3.50 times 3.50 is 10 idiot