Like a equilibrium constants, the values of Kw depends on temperature. At body temperature (37 C), Kw= 2.4 x 10^-14.

What are the [H3O+] and pH of pure water at body temperature?


To determine the [H3O+] (hydrogen ion concentration) and pH of pure water at body temperature, we can use the value of Kw (the ion product of water).

First, let's recall the equation for Kw:
Kw = [H3O+][OH-]

In pure water, the concentration of H3O+ and OH- are the same, since water undergoes self-ionization:
[H3O+] = [OH-]

Substituting this into the equation for Kw, we have:
Kw = [H3O+][H3O+]
2.4 x 10^-14 = [H3O+]^2

To solve for [H3O+], we take the square root of both sides:
[H3O+] = √(2.4 x 10^-14)

Now, let's calculate this using the given value of Kw at body temperature (37°C):

[H3O+] = √(2.4 x 10^-14)
≈ 1.55 x 10^-7

Finally, to find the pH of pure water, we can use the equation:
pH = -log[H3O+]

Using the value of [H3O+], we can calculate the pH:
pH = -log(1.55 x 10^-7)
≈ 6.81

Therefore, at body temperature (37°C), the [H3O+] in pure water is approximately 1.55 x 10^-7 M, and the pH of pure water is approximately 6.81.