Activity 1 Research on hunan rights violation or discrimination

How can we help you with this assignment? What do you not understand about it?

atleast can you please give me a summary about the human rights violation or discrimination

We have a right to be equal

To research on human rights violations or discrimination, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify your focus: Determine the specific area or aspect of human rights violations or discrimination you want to research. This could include topics such as gender, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or any other specific group or issue.

2. Formulate research questions: Develop specific research questions that will guide your investigation. For example, you may want to know about the recent human rights violations against a particular group or how discrimination affects certain communities.

3. Start with background information: Begin your research by gathering background information on the topic. This could involve reading books, articles, or relevant reports to get a general understanding of human rights violations or discrimination. Look for reputable sources like academic journals, government reports, or international organizations.

4. Utilize primary and secondary sources: Use both primary and secondary sources to gather information. Primary sources can include interviews, first-hand accounts, and official documents, while secondary sources can be scholarly articles, books, or news reports that analyze and interpret the issue.

5. Search databases and websites: Utilize various databases and search engines to find relevant information. Academic databases like JSTOR, Scopus, or ProQuest can provide access to scholarly articles, while reputable websites such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, or the United Nations can offer valuable insights and reports.

6. Analyze and evaluate information: As you gather information, critically analyze and evaluate the sources to ensure their reliability and credibility. Verify the credibility of the authors, check for biases, and scrutinize the methodology used in any studies or reports.

7. Keep track of your sources: Maintain a bibliography or citation record of all the sources you consult. This will help you accurately reference your research findings and avoid any issues of plagiarism.

8. Organize your findings: Systematically organize your research materials and findings to make it easier to synthesize the information. You can use tools like note-taking apps, spreadsheets, or reference management software to assist you in this process.

9. Draw conclusions and form an argument: Based on your research, analyze the information you've gathered and draw conclusions. Formulate arguments or opinions based on the evidence you have collected.

10. Communicate your research findings: Finally, write a research paper, create a presentation, or use any other suitable means to effectively communicate your research findings. Make sure to reference your sources appropriately and cite any relevant statistics or examples.

Remember, human rights violations and discrimination are complex subjects, so consider consulting experts or scholars in the field to enhance your understanding and ensure the accuracy of your research.