Janet will play badminton on Monday.

How do you pronounce "Janet"?
Is "Janet" pronounced [..nit] or [..nuht]?


Do you mean [...nit]?

To find out how to pronounce "Janet," we can use various resources such as dictionaries, pronunciation guides, or online audio resources. Here is a general step-by-step guide on how to get the answer:

1. Check online dictionaries: Look up "Janet" in reputable online dictionaries like Merriam-Webster or Oxford English Dictionary. These resources often provide phonetic transcriptions or audio pronunciations for words.

2. Listen to native speakers: Listen to audio recordings or watch videos where native speakers say the name "Janet." This can be done through websites such as Forvo or YouTube, or by utilizing language learning platforms that provide pronunciation exercises.

3. Use pronunciation tools or apps: There are several mobile apps and websites that offer pronunciation assistance, such as Google Translate or Speechling. Type or speak the word "Janet" into these tools and listen to the automated pronunciation.

Remember, depending on regional accents or variations, pronunciation can slightly differ. The resources mentioned above can help you determine the most common or widely accepted pronunciation for "Janet."