trying to verify the volume of a rectanguler prism

h=10 inches
and the formula to find the volume is l.w.h
not a math genius just trying to make sure i am calculating this correctly

to find the lengh we had to divide the width of the prism so 2 inches divided by 4 =0.5 which pretty much is 1/2
2x2x1=4 =2.5
10 divided 2.5=4

You do not state relationship between width and length.

I gave the dimenions of the height and the width I need to find the length in order to calculate the volume . I even did the problem all I asked was that you verified if I did it right in order to find the length.

Your response I did not state the relationship between the width and the length. The relationship is it is a rectangular prism

Why do you divide the width by 4? Is That because the length is 1/4W?

To verify the volume of a rectangular prism, you need to use the formula V = l * w * h, where V is the volume, l is the length, w is the width, and h is the height.

Given that h = 10 inches, w = 2 inches, and you want to calculate the length (l), you mentioned that you divided the width by 4, which gave you 0.5. However, dividing the width by 4 does not give the length.

The length of a rectangular prism is generally a separate measurement and cannot be determined by dividing the width by a specific number. It would help if you had the actual length measurement provided.

Once you have the correct length, you can substitute the values into the formula:

V = l * w * h

Let's assume the length (l) is 4 inches:
V = 4 * 2 * 10
V = 80 cubic inches

So, the volume of the rectangular prism with a length of 4 inches, width of 2 inches, and height of 10 inches is 80 cubic inches.